Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Aspiring Designers and Students:

My name is Savanna Eaglen and I am a Junior at Indiana University. As this school year comes to a close and I start to dream about the warm weather and pools that await me my sun kissed day dreams are overshadowed by the stress of finding internships this summer. It is 5 weeks until school breaks for summer and I, like many other aspiring designers in my class, am rushing around to find the perfect design firm to spend my summer learning from the best possible professional designers.

As I call, email, and stalk these firms I realized how helpful it would be to hear directly from the designers I aspire to be. I want to know how designers and architects got where they are now, what their design process is, what they look for in new aspiring designers, and any tips they can provide to me and the many other students in my position for getting into this creative, exciting field.

That is why I created this blog, to connect students with designers. I am going to interview designers from all aspects of our field in order to make us better designers and professionals.