Monday, May 23, 2011

The Year of Evolution... So Far

    2011 has changed me so much (for the better) and it’s only May! I’m not complaining because I feel like a whole new person compared to 2010!! I have evolved so much as a designer and as a person. Personally, I am happy to say that I got engaged towards the end of January and that has made me that happiest person in the world.
    As a designer I have also changed: I couldn’t wait for Winter break to arrive Fall semester, I was worn out and needed a break. During this much needed break though I started to question who I wanted to be as a designer and where I wanted to end up in my life. I struggled with this thought and it became harmful to my work. I was no longer designing for myself or for the potential client… I was designing for a good grade.
    It wasn’t until a trip to Chicago where I stayed with my inspiring cousin Chelsea Bolton that I realized who I wanted to be in my life… happy. I went back to school that next week with a whole new attitude. Of course I wanted to design functional successful spaces but I was no longer concerned with my grade… I was now designing for my own personal fulfillment and in the end my design became more successful than any in the past.
    This has opened my eyes up to a whole to world of design, the beautiful less stressful side. My world is no longer filled with sleepless nights to satisfy my teachers' every vision, it’s filled with wonderful nights with my friends (some late) designing spaces that satisfy my vision!
    If you take any advice from this blog I suggest this: Design something that you are proud of, that meets your clients every need with your impeccable taste, don’t design for a good grade or recognition.
Check out my website to see some of my most recent work!

Be Inspired!

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